The Citadel
A Dark Metaphor for Defensive Governance
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A Dark Metaphor for Defensive Governance
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The citadel is an ancient structure. It is a monolith that penetrates the sky and symbolizes steadfast resilience. It can be seen as a fortification and manifestation of protective energy. The Citadel is a metaphor for defensive governance and high-tech sigils that ward off evil. It is impregnable and impenetrable, representing significant defenses against Moloch, multipolar traps, and coordination failures. It is no wonder that, coincidentally, the Praxis ecosystem showcases the Citadel as the hero image on its website. It is a massive crystalline citadel, exposing its magical properties and formidable nature. The citadel possesses an almost occult, futuristic quality, as well as a deep architectonic beauty that surpasses time, space, and memory. The Citadel is both within and without nature; it is a relic and myth simultaneously.
Citadel /ˈsɪtəd(ə)l,ˈsɪtədɛl/ noun
a fortress, typically one on high ground above a city
Some people have seen our imagery and aesthetic of the Citadel at Polis Labs and asked why it is so dark and spooky. Here is the answer. We live in a sanitized and anesthetized world where everything is fake, off-white, alien, and clinical. All the imagery is simulacra and simulation, to use Jean Baudrilliard's terminology. Many objects, companies, and fetishes are ersatz versions of themselves, clockwork things devoid of depth, life, and soul. The darkness, the night, and the black on our page represent unvarnished truth. Our monochromatic élan stresses the reality of the cold universe and expresses strength and elegance in all things real, tangible, and honest. Indeed, some of the greatest evil only manifested because it was underwritten by deceit in technicolor. Sometimes, a highly colorized world is a facsimile — reality cannibalized and regurgitated as balderdash — as hokum. Indeed, the truth is harsh, cut in deep ebony, but also liberating to the point of sublime, exhilarating ecstasy. Polis Labs is the Citadel of novel governance structures and the strength to defend against corruption, enmity, Moloch, and apoptosis. Above all, Polis seeks to return the world to a place of balanced truth, magnanimity, and equanimity. The Citadel is, indeed, our North Star and our ancient, indisputable truth.