Legacy Architectures
A Brief History of Tradtional Government Models
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A Brief History of Tradtional Government Models
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Traditional or "legacy" government models are failing or have failed. They are all grossly inadequate for unlocking full human potential. Many of them were immoral or violated collective well-being. Historically, our species has experimented with a limited number of governmental forms and structures. Even the most recent innovations in government (democracy) have not resulted in rigorous testing and experimentation. It is ironic to think that we went through the Enlightenment in the 18th century to "perfect" the scientific method, but we never perfected governance and social organization. Democracy was reintroduced in the United States with its rebellion against the Crown of England, but vastly different governance ideas were not considered or tried during that critical bifurcation point. It was almost as if "democracy" was an ad-hoc decision by the Founding Fathers. Then, of course, democracy was mostly copied and pasted by other countries globally. There was an implicit assumption that it was the best form of government. They believed it would promote the most civil and economic freedom for the individual. That was an untested, dangerous hypothesis.
"Democracy is the worship of jackals by jackasses"
-H.L. Mencken
Overall, governance or government has not been viewed empirically; it has not been subject to experimental conditions and methodologies. Instead, government models have been unjustly forced on the rest of the population, with their contracts and constitutions retroactively binding all of posterity. These are the types of government forms human beings have suffered under since the beginning of written history: